Special Issue on:
Biometrics Applications: Technology, Ethics and Health Hazards
Modern economies require increasing levels of mobility and entrepreneurship which is translated in a strong demand for a robust and secure social environment. Biometrcis are considered as a very special choice to this target and they are found recently on every political agenda. Since in our strongly networked society physical identity is increasingly being replaced or supplemented by its digital equivalent, the need for more and better means of identification is continuously increasing. And biometric technologies seem to offer a solution for stronger identification.
However biometrics raises several concerns, as the protection of the huge data storage, the violation of citizens’ privacy and the possible hazards on persons’ health through the enrolment phase of the biometric application.
A strong research community has been created on the technology aspects of biometric systems and recently it is enriched by broader scientific experts coming from the fields of medicine, law and ethics to provide a more spherical study of these crucial procedures. Workshops dedicated to this topic are already organized worldwide and many research projects are funded by national research foundations or the European commission. In parallel, international fora and NGOs are created as a means for an effective protection of personal liberty and justice.
The biometric features used today show a remarkable variety, as for example, fingerprint, palm, face, iris, gait, voice, ear, heart pulse, signatures and the list is increasingly flourishing by adding more sensitive techniques like implants, bone information and others.
In this framework, in this Special Issue we are soliciting non-published papers on all of these issues on biometric applications: technology innovation, legal framework examination, health impact studies, large scale public applications (border control, eGovernment, eCommerce,) and standardization activities. Indicative topics include:
1. Technology innovation
Performance measures and error rates
Storage and retrieval techniques for huge data volume
Information and communication security
Multimodal systems
2. Ethics and Legal framework
Potential ethical risk arising from biometrics
Balance of security and privacy
Safety issues of biometrics
3. Medical threats by biometric processes
Infrared identification of faces and body parts
Direct & indirect medical risks by the use of biometrics
4. Applications
Smart cards
e-Health, eGovernment, eCommerce
Border Control
Submission deadline June 30, 2010
Acceptance notification October 1, 2010
Final manuscript November 15, 2010
Guest Editors
Technology Theme Ethics Theme
Prof. Niovi Pavlidou Prof. Margit Sutrop
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University of Tartu
Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering Center for Ethics
Greece Esthonia
email:niovi@auth.gr e-mail: margit.sutrop@ut.ee
Health Theme
Prof. Margaret Tzaphlidou
University of Ioannina
Dept of Medical Physics, Medical School
email: mtzaphli@uoi.gr
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their manuscript via e-mail to the respective Guest Editor by June 30, 2010. Guidelines for manuscript preparation at http://www.thescientificworld.com
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