The Greek Cybecrime Center published its Guide to Cyber Security, on December, 1st, 2015. The Guide is available at:
The Guide includes a Legal Component and the most important Security Principles, as well as Advices on Security, and Gaps and Recommendations for Policy Makers.
Some information on the Greek Cybercrime Center:
The Greek Cybercrime Center (, provided a first step in the following fields: LEA Information and Training. The Consortium organized three 2-day seminars where Law Enforcement Agencies, judicial authorities and industry employees took part. Divided to parallel sessions, the attendees had the opportunity to choose the topic they were interested in and learn more about how to address an incident of cybercrime not only in theory but also in practice. In the seminars speakers from core scientific organizations of cybercrime, such as ENISA, Cyber Crime Unit of the Greek Police, Law School of University of Athens, Europol, Democritus University of Thrace, EC3, Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Hellenic Ministry of the Interior, Hellenic Telecommunications Organizations, ISACA, etc. were invited. Therefore, expertise from academia, LEA, industry could be combined. Research. The Consortium carried out research which was focused (i) on monitoring and detecting infected machines and (ii) on social forensics. Additionally, GCC through the publications in Journals and Conferences and presentations in Conferences contributed in the field of information security. Education at the University Level. At Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a new course title “Legal Aspects of Cybercrime” was added in the list of modules. The module referred to crimes that occur in cyberspace and the legal framework that is currently in place. At the national level, the Greek Cybercrime Center empowered its constituency through periodic advisory board meetings. Representatives from LEA, judicial authorities, ISPs, industry, independent governmental authorities participated and shared views and experiences with other bodies/authorities. At the international level, the Center is part of a European-wide activity to create a network of similar Centers of Excellence that will facilitate sharing of expertise and best practices. By publishing this guide, the Center hopes to contribute in raising awareness in the area of cybercrime and to identify gaps and recommendations at the policy level that can make the Internet a Safer Place for personal and professional use.
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