Recently we have undertaken the task to edit a volume titled Digital Tools for Computer Music Production and Distribution under the auspices of IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research.
We would like to invite you to contribute with your expertise, either alone, or in conjunction with your research associates, in promoting a chapter focused on:
- The Phonation Mechanism
- Mechanics of the Auditory Apparatus
- Neurology, Otology and Synaesthesia
- Language Disorders in Children
- Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
- Digital Music and Sound Design
- Music Formalization, Music Theory and Analysis, Semiology and Semiotics
- Representations and Strategies for Algorithmic Composition
- Electroacoustic Music, Sound Synthesis and MIDI Control
- Techniques for Artistic Applications: Sound & Light
- From Sound Spatialization to Location Services and Analytics
- Music and Intermedia and Production Interfaces: the road to Mobile Devices
- Music and Speech: from Ethnomusicology to Global Audience Communication
- System Interconnections and Flowcharting: Producing Music over the Web and on the Cloud
- Beyond Intonation: Non Linear Systems and micro-Tuning
- Jurisdictional and Choice of Law Problems for Enforcement Across Borders
- Criminal Penalties for Persons Responsible: Producers, Internet Service Providers, Advertisers, Promoters, Users of Illegally Obtained Music
- Intrusion and e-Crime: Forensic Engineering & Technical Expertise
- Mobility, Dissimulation, and Anonymity for Inter-Language & Cross-border Music Production
- Audio Cultures, Music Education Communities, and Social Networks
- Open Source Music, Creative Commons, and the Professional’s role within the Music Industry
We emphasize that the book to be seeks to retort scientific expertise from the everyday interaction of professionals with music and audio equipment. Apart from these explicitly noted focal points, merit is given to resurgent technologies like brain-computer interfaces, cochlear implants, mobile interfaces etc.
We would be delighted to receive from the involved ones a 1-2 pages résumé till March 30, 2015.
More details can be found here:
Dr. Dionysios Politis (Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Dr. Miltiadis Tsaligopoulos (AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Dr. Ioannis Iglezakis (School of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
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