A new Data Portal has become available in beta version, that is, the Open Data Hub of the EU – http://open-data.europa.eu/open-data/
This portal is about transparency, open government and innovation. The European Commission Data Portal provides access to open public data from the European Commission. It also provides access to data of other Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies at their request. The published data can be downloaded by everyone interested to facilitate reuse, linking and the creation of innovative services. Moreover, this Data Portal promotes and builds literacy around Europe’s data. The data publishers, application developers and the general public can also use new functionalities enabled by the semantic technologies.
The Portal has opened with a preliminary set of metadata, which include links to and descriptions of several law-related authority files and files of names of legal roles, resource types, corporate bodies, treaties, and inter-institutional legal procedures.
It also publishes applications, such as CubeViz which is an application that provides an easy to use user interface for creating highly customized charts for statistical RDF data, and Linked Data, such as the SparQL endpoint, which can be used to query all dataset metadata available on the EC Open Data Portal.
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