Conference – Trust in the information society

CRI celebrates its 20th anniversary with an international conference on

Trust in the information society.
In search of Trust Generating Mechanisms for the Network Society

14-15 November, 2011 – Leuven (Belgium)

Central theme and objective of the conference: The goal of the conference is to advance the reflection and debate about “Trust in the Information Society”. What strategies and techniques have been, or could be, used to foster trust in the media, communication and information technology sectors? What particular role can law and regulation play in enhancing trust, and vice versa, what role does the concept of trust play for future regulation and policies? What are the major challenges for trust in different areas of our e-society and which “trust generating mechanisms” could overcome those challenges?

Interdisciplinarity: Through a series of thought-provoking lectures delivered by international leading experts from various disciplines – law, economics, engineering, computer science, social and cultural studies – the conference intends to confront different insights and to explore new routes and tools – legal and non-legal – to generate more trust in networked, digital information and communication technologies that are shaping modern society.

Conference topics:The lectures will cover, amongst others: trust and the open internet; trust and authenticity; data protection and the right to be forgotten; trust and cybercrime; trust in e-health environments; e-commerce and intellectual property, trust in online new(s) media; labels of trust for media content; online safety and risks for children; trust and net neutrality and independent regulators as trustworthy authorities…

Confirmed speakers include: Viktor Mayer Schoenberger (Oxford Internet Institute); Rob Frieden (Penn State University); Patrick Ryan (University of Colorado at Boulder; Policy Counsel Open Internet at Google); Tom Smedinghoff; Jeannette Hofmann (LSE); Bernt Hugenholtz (University of Amsterdam); Frank Robben (Crossroads Bank for Social Security & K.U. Leuven); Caroline Pauwels (Free University of Brussels); Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam); Wolfgang Schulz (Hans-Bredow-Institut); Brian ONeill (Dublin Institute of Technology); Luciana Duranti (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)

Venue: Faculty of Law, K.U.Leuven, Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven (Belgium)

Conference abstracts and speakers short bios: online version or print friendly version

Full programme: The full-text program is available for download in pdf-format.


Monday 14 November
9:30-9:40h Welcome by Paul Van Orshoven, dean of the Faculty of Law K.U.Leuven
9:40-10:00h Introduction by Jos Dumortier, founder of ICRI; Vice Dean Faculty of Law
10:00-10:45h Putting your Trust in the Clouds: Why Trust Matters in the Open Internet by Patrick Ryan (University of Colorado at Boulder; Policy Counsel Open Internet at Google)
10:45-11:00h Coffee break
11:00-11:45h Trust Is Not All: Authenticity Requirements for Digital Records by Luciana Duranti(University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
11:45-12:30h Trust through Deleting: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age by Viktor Mayer Schönberger (Oxford Internet Institute)
12:30-13:30h Lunch
13:30-14:15h Cybercrime as unintended consequence – A tale of trust and disenchantment by Jeannette Hofmann (LSE)
14:15-15:00h Trust & eHealth by Frank Robben (Crossroads Bank for Social Security & K.U. Leuven)
15:00-15:15h Coffee break
15:15-16:00h Trust and cyberspace by Tom Smedinghoff (tbc)
16:00-16:45h Conclusions from the rapporteurs and panel discussion
18:00-20:00h Conference diner

Tuesday 15 November
9:30-10:00h Welcome & introduction by Peggy Valcke, director of ICRI
10:00-10.45h Press for more: trust as a scarce commodity in times of digitisation and information overload by Caroline Pauwels (Free University of Brussels)
10:45-11:00h Coffee break
11:00-11:45h More independence – less trust? Media regulators in Europe by Wolfgang Schulz (Hans-Bredow-Institut)
11:45-12:30h Trust? Media Labels? by Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam)
12:30-13:30h Lunch
13:30-14:15h Trust and children’s use of the internet: findings and policy recommendations from EU Kids Online by Brian O’Neill (Dublin Institute of Technology) (EU Kids Online)
14:15-15:00h Do Conduit Neutrality Mandates Promote or Hinder Trust in Internet-mediated Transactions? by Rob Frieden (PennState University)
15:00-15:45h In (c) we trust by Bernt Hugenholtz (University of Amsterdam)
15:45-16:30h Conclusions by the rapporteurs and panel discussion
16:30-18:00h Festive Cocktail Reception ICRI 20th anniversary – with key note on “Trust & innovation” by Wim Dewaele (CEO IBBT)

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