Researchers Fight off Electronic Intruders

HERSHEY, PA – March 20, 2009 – In the information society, electronic intrusion has become a new form of trespassing often causing significant problems and posing great risks for individuals and businesses.

IGI Global’s newest release, Socioeconomic and Legal Implications of Electronic Intrusion (edited by Dionysios Politis, Phaedon-John Kozyris, and Ioannis Iglezakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), focuses on abusive and illegal practices of penetration in the sphere of private communications. A leading international reference source within the field, this book provides legal and political practitioners, academicians, and intrusion researchers with expert knowledge into global theft and spam perspectives, identity theft and fraud, and electronic crime issues.

“Socioeconomic and Legal Implications of Electronic Intrusion provides in depth analysis of four distinct domains that are actively present in our everyday on-line habitat,” writes Politis.

Selected Chapters:
• The Socioeconomic Background of Electronic Crime
• Intrusion in the Sphere of Personal Communications
• Criminal Sanctions Against Electronic Intrusion
• Digital Forensics and the Chain of Custody to Counter Cybercrime
• Forensic Watermarking for Secure Multimedia Distribution

ISBN: 978-1-60566-204-6; US $195.00 hardcover
Pre-pub price: US $180.00 (Pre-pub price is good through June 1, 2009.)
Perpetual Access: US $295.00
Print + Perpetual: US $390.00

To learn more about this title, please see:

For additional information about this publication, to arrange an interview with the editor, or to request a copy for review, please contact Megan Childs at

Dionysios Politis is a lecturer of the Multimedia Lab, in the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has earned his BS in Physics (1987), MSc in radio engineering and electronics (1990), and PhD in computer science (1998) from the same university. He is a holder of a graduate diploma in computing studies (1991) from RMIT University as a scholar of the Australian government.

Ioannis Iglezakis is a Visiting Lecturer at the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki and attorney at law at the Thessaloniki Bar Association. He was born in Thessaloniki in 1965. He graduated from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki in 1987 and received his Ph.D. from the same university in 2000. He has masters of Laws from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (1990) and from the University of Hanover, Germany (1993).

Phaedon-John Kozyris is Professor of Law, Emeritus, Universities of Thessaloniki (Greece) and Ohio State (USA). Subjects include: corporations, conflict of law, jurisprudence, international transactions, and communications. He is a member of American Society of Comparative Law and author of many articles in legal periodicals.

Since 1988, IGI Global has provided comprehensive research not just on computer science and information technology management, but also on how information technology affects human activities and interactions. IGI Global is a leading multimedia publisher of books, reference works, journals, encyclopedias, teaching cases, proceedings, and databases covering the areas of education, social science, library science, healthcare, business management, public administration, and computer science. Information on all of IGI Global’s authoritative resources can be found at IGI Global’s main office is in Hershey, Pennsylvania, with editorial offices in New York City.

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