Συνεδριο: International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries


International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries


Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference

Chania, Crete, Greece: 26-29 of May 2009

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (QQM) are proved more and more popular tools for Librarians, because of their usefulness to the everyday professional life. QQM aim to the assessment and improvement of the services, to the measurement of the functional effectiveness and efficiency. QQM are the mean to make decisions on fund allocation and financial alternatives. Librarians use also QQM in order to determine why and when their users appreciate their services. This is the start point of the innovation involvement and the ongoing procedure of the excellent performance. Systematic development of quality management in libraries requires a detailed framework, including the quality management standards, the measurement indicators, the self-appraisal schedules and the operational rules. These standards are practice-oriented tools and a benchmarking result. Their basic function is to express responsibly the customer (library user) -supplier (library services) relationship and provide a systematic approach to the continuous change onto excellence. The indoor and outdoor relationships of libraries are dependent of their communication and marketing capabilities, challenges, opportunities and implementation programmes.

Keynote speakers

Abstract/Paper submission

Proposed Session: Digital libraries: legal and ethical issues

I. Intellectual Freedom and Digital Libraries
Maria Bottis, Lecturer, Ionian University

Intellectual freedom is a standard value in the libraries Bill of Rights and many ethical codes. The paper will discuss how this value relates to digital libraries.

II. Creation of digital libraries: copyright law and database law issues

Tatiana-Eleni Sinodinou, PhD, Attorney-at-Law

This paper deals with current legal issues on copyright law in digital libraries. The respect of copyright law principles is an issue of major importance for the development of digital libraries. The creation of digital libraries is based on the digitalization of works protected by copyright and presupposes the authorization of the right holders. At the same time, digital libraries can be protected by copyright law as electronic databases and by the database sui generis right.
In the first part, we will focus on copyright issues raised by the creation of digital libraries. In the second part, we will analyze the possibility of protection of digital libraries by copyright law and by the database sui generis right.

III. Protection of personal Data in digital libraries:

Ioannis Iglezakis, Visiting Lecturer (Aristotle University), PhD, Attorney-at-Law

This paper addresses the data privacy issues concerning digital libraries. In the digital environment, collection, storage and processing of personal information is increased and this is also the case with digital libraries. A great number of personal data is undergoing processing in digital libraries and, therefore, new risks are emerging for the privacy of individuals, whose personal data are stored and processed. It is thus necessary to establish a policy for the protection of personal data, which could be adopted by digital libraries. Privacy should also be the subject of code of ethics that would promote self-regulation.

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