ICT4Justice – ICT solutions for criminal justice
Final Program
October 24th 2008
STEIN building, 2 Kalapothaki Street
Thessaloniki (Greece)
“In the Commission’s view, a European strategy on e-Justice will bring tangible improvements to the efficiency of the administration of justice (shorter timeframes and lower costs, for example through the use of videoconferencing), the effectiveness of judicial work (easier cooperation between national authorities) and access to justice by citizens (who often have difficulty when faced with cross-border proceedings)…….
In the light of the European Council’s conclusions of 21-22 June 2007 and 14 December 2007, the Commission considers that, in theory, new legislative proposals are not necessary. The e-Justice strategy does not require any new legal foundations. It can be implemented on the basis of existing legislation, which e-Justice tools will make it possible to implement more easily.” (Memo 08/351 of the European Commission, May 29th 2008).
08:30 Registration and welcome
09:20 Opening of the day (N.Zaharis – SEERC, G.Eleftherakis – City College)
Welcome to participants by the SEERC and the organising committee.
09:30 Session 1 – Towards e-Justice in judicial cases
(Chair: Prof. Nikolaos Intzesiloglou – Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece)
This session aims to provide a general overview about the ongoing ICT initiative and projects in the European Countries and the general framework the implementation of e-justice in Europe, with a specific attention to South Eastern Europe area.
Preliminary program of the session:
The e-Justice strategy of the European Commission (M.Miranda, European Commission, DG JLS)
UYAP: National Judiciary Network Project (C. Tanrıkulu, Ministry of Justice of Turkey)
Experiences from the application of IT within the judiciary (G.Naumovski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, FYR
SICP project: the new ICT architecture for criminal justice in Italy (D. Pellegrini, Ministry of Justice of Italy)
10: 30 Session 2 – ICT in the courtroom. Best practices and challenges.
(Chair: Prof. G.Eleftherakis – City College, Thessaloniki, Greece)
In this session ICT solutions implemented in the courts, the experiences and challenges related to audio-video recordings and to the usage of videoconference will be presented.
Preliminary program of the session:
Management of the trial folder: the SIDIP project (G.Caprio, Ministry of Justice of Italy)
Audio recording in court – lesson learned from E-Court (B. Podrazik, Ministry of Justice of Poland)
Electronic Court Management System – Litigation Document Management Platform (B.Malaeb, UN-ICTY, Netherlands)
Audio challenges for enhancing transcriptions: the JUMAS case study (D.Falavigna, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
During the break, demonstrations of SIDIP systems, Automatic Speech Recognition and Electronic Authentication via
fingerprint and Mobile system for interrogation and hearings will be available.
12:00 Session 3 – ICT in civil and criminal judicial cooperation.
(Chair: Hon Dariusz Sielicki, Polish Ministry of Justice, Wroclaw, Poland)
ICT solutions implemented in the prosecutors’ offices, the challenges in the area of judicial cooperation and audio-video solutions and best practices for investigating magistrates.
Preliminary program of the session:
EPOC: Empowering EU judicial cooperation through Eurojust (M. Ruckdaeschel, Eurojust, Netherlands)
Connecting judicial workgroups in a secure workspace: the JWeB case study (K. Davies, Gov3, United Kingdom)
Collaborative environment and workflow engines for judicial cooperation (A.Waldo, Airal Conseil, France)
During the break, demonstrations of SIDIP systems, Automatic Speech Recognition and Electronic Authentication via fingerprint and Mobile system for interrogation and hearings will be available. ICT4Justice 2008 Program Page 3 of 4
14: 15 Session 4 – Future trends of ICT technologies in e-justice.
(Chair: Prof. Tom M. Van Engers, University of Amsterdam, Law Leibniz Center for Law, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
ICT in criminal justice have relevant challenges to be faced during its deployment: communication security, non repudiation of electronic evidences, confidentiality. Best practices about architectures for secure communication, digital signature, electronic authentication in the judicial field will be presented.
Preliminary program of the session:
A view on the role of information security in e-justice (G.Eleftherakis, City College, Greece)
ICT in pretrial proceedings-the impact on defendant’s rights (D.Sielicki, Ministry of Justice of Poland
Secure communication architectures for criminal justice (S. Ferri, AMTEC-ElsagDatamat, Italy)
Secure access to judicial ICT systems (C.Cantiani, Italdata Ingegneria dell’Idea, Italy)
Videoconference in judicial proceedings: actual practices and challenges for the near future (M.Cislaghi, Project Automation S.p.A., Italy)
Privacy Protection Issues in e-Justice (I.Iglezakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
16: 00 Session 5 – Management of Judicial Knowledge and Libraries
(Chair: Prof. F.Archetti – University of Milano Bicocca, Italy)
e-justice deployment will move justice from paper to digital libraries. This will pose relevant challenges and opportunity to make these libraries and the judicial knowledge more usable and easily accessible to all judicial actors.
Preliminary program of the session:
The Story of the Lawyer and the Machine (T. Van Engers, University of Amsterdam, Leibniz Center for Law, Netherlands)
Exploitation of knowledge in video (A.Briassouli, CERTH-ITI, Greece)
Audio-based Emotion Recognition for Advanced Automatic Retrieval in Judicial Domain (E.Fersini, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy)
Video Surveillance Framework for Crime Prevention and Event Indexing (I. Petras, MTA-SZTAKI, Hungary)
17: 00 Final discussion and conclusions.
(Chairs and Moderators: Prof. Nikolaos Intzesiloglou – Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece,Prof. Tom M. Van Engers, University of Amsterdam, Law Leibniz Center for Law, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
17:15 End of the day
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Registration information.
Registration is free and available online in the conference website at www.ict4justice.org. Please, click the “registration” box on the home page and follow the registration instructions.
Additional information and contact.
Please, contact the organising committee by sending an e-mail to jweb@seerc.
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