Tilburg 10-11.12.2008
Συνέδριο: Η ανατρεπτική προοπτική στη ρύθμιση των νέων τεχνολογιών
(Tilting perspectives on regulating technologies)
Innovative technologies – ICT, biotechnology, nanotechnologies – have a huge impact on society. Regulating these technologies is a complex effort. This conference aims at bringing academic knowledge and policy approaches about regulating technology a step forward by looking at issues from a multidisciplinary angle. Regulating technologies involves different regulatory approaches giving rise to fundamental questions.
For instance: Do biotechnology and ICT innovations alter people’s identity? Can ICT regulation profit from experiences in dealing with sensitive issues in genetics? How can policy-makers approach regulatory issues in the context of polycentric governance? What use is the heuristic of applying ‘off-line’ rules to the ‘on-line’ environment, when ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ worlds converge? How can respect for human dignity and human rights be maintained in an era of human enhancement and surveillance? In what stage should moral values be taken into account in the design of technologies? If at all, which values?
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