Consultation on Web Neutrality

Consultation on draft Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency

As its latest contribution to the debate in Europe on Net Neutrality, BEREC today launched a consultation on draft Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency:
Best practices and recommended approaches. The report underlines the responsibility of NRAs to ensure that consumers are benefitting from effective transparency and analyses some possible approaches and tools that could be put in place to help reach this goal.

The Guidelines set out:

• the type of information that should be provided – the scope of the service (e.g. typical speeds), general limitations (e.g. usage caps), and specific limitations (e.g. traffic management practices)
• which bodies should provide information – as well as the Framework requirements on ISPs, various third parties provide an important complementary source of information.
• the importance of comparability – for which common frames of references and
users involvement are needed

See in particular:
[d/line 2 Nov SO SOON]

About BEREC:
The European Regulators Group for electronic communications networks and services was set up by the Commission to provide a suitable mechanism for encouraging cooperation and coordination between national regulatory authorities and the Commission, in order to promote the development of the internal market for electronic communications networks and services. To build on this experience, the ERG will now be replaced by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). BEREC and its support Office were created within the recently approved reform of the EU Telecom rules to improve the consistency of implementation of the EU regulatory framework. The first meetings of the Board of Regulators of BEREC and the Management Committee of the Office were held in Brussels on 28 January 2010.