LEFIS Series (6 títulos)
Legal privacy
Saarenpää, Ahti (ed.)
Ed. 2008
30,00 €
La responsabilidad jurídica y social de los archiveros, biliotecarios y documentalistas en la sociedad del conocimiento
García Marco, Francisco Javier (ed.)
Ed. 2008
22,00 €
E-government and digital inclusion
Maioli, Cesare (ed.)
Ed. 2008
21,00 €
Inclusao digital e governo eletrônico
Rover, Aires José (ed.)
Ed. 2008
30,00 €
Legal Informatics and E-Governance as Tools for the Knowledge Society
Schweighofer, Erich (ed.)
Ed. 2008
22,00 €
Monitoring, Supervision and Information Technology. Proceedings of the First International Seminar of the Legal Framework for the Infomation Society
Kleve, P. (ed.), De Mulder, R. (ed.), Van Noortwijk, K. (ed.)
Ed. 2007
25,00 €