EU DIRECTIVE Proposal on combating the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography

On 29.3.2010 the Commission presented a proposal for a new law on combating sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography [COM(2010)94 final]. The proposed Directive aims to build a more coherent framework to increase effectiveness in preventing and combating this type of crime and protecting the victims. This proposalis intended to repeal the Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA. The proposal contains provisions aimed at extending the criminalisation of child sexual abuse and exploitation and child pornography.

The most important provisions of the Directive are the following:

Art. 3 Offences concerning sexual abuse

2. Causing, for sexual purposes, a child who has not reached the age of sexual consent
under national law to witness sexual abuse or sexual activities, even without having to participate, shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
3. Engaging in sexual activities with a child who has not reached the age of sexual consent under national law shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years.
4. Engaging in sexual activities with a child, where:
(i) abuse is made of a recognised position of trust, authority or influence over the child shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least eight years; or
(ii) abuse is made of a particularly vulnerable situation of the child, notably because of a mental or physical disability or a situation of dependence shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least eight years; or
(iii) use is made of coercion, force or threats shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten years.
5. Coercing a child into sexual activities with a third party shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten years.

Art. 4 Offences concerning sexual exploitation
2. Causing a child to participate in pornographic performances shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
3. Profiting from or otherwise exploiting a child participating in pornographic performances shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
4. Knowingly attending pornographic performances involving the participation of children shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
5. Recruiting a child to participate in pornographic performances shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years.
6. Causing a child to participate in child prostitution shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years.
7. Profiting from or otherwise exploiting a child participating in child prostitution shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years
8. Engaging in sexual activities with a child, where recourse is made to child prostitution shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years.
9. Coercing a child to participate in pornographic performances shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least eight years.
10. Recruiting a child to participate in child prostitution shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least eight years.
11. Coercing a child into child prostitution shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten years.

Art. 5 Offences concerning child pornography
2. Acquisition or possession of child pornography shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least one year.
3. Knowingly obtaining access, by means of information and communication technology, to child pornography shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least one year.
4. Distribution, dissemination or transmission of child pornography shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
5. Offering, supplying or making available child pornography shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.
6. Production of child pornography shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least five years.

Art. 6 Solicitation of children for sexual purposes
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the following intentional conduct is punishable:
The proposal, by means of information and communication technology, by an adult to meet a child who has not reached the age of sexual consent under national law, for the purpose of committing any of the offences referred to in Articles 3 (3) and Article 5 (6), where this proposal has been followed by material acts leading to such a meeting, shall be punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least two years.

Art. 8 Consensual sexual activities between peers
The provisions of Article 3 (2), with regard to witnessing sexual activities, and (3); Article 4 (2) and (4) and Article 5 do not govern consensual sexual activities between children or involving persons who are close in age and degree of psychological and physical development or maturity, insofar as the acts did not involve any abuse.

Art.9 Aggravating circumstances
1. In so far as the following circumstances do not already form part of the constituent elements of the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7, they shall be considered as aggravating circumstances for the purposes of this Directive:
(a) the child has not reached the age of sexual consent under national law;
(b) the offence was committed against a child in a particularly vulnerable situation, notably because of a mental or physical disability or a situation of dependence;
(c) the offence was committed by a member of the family, a person cohabiting with the child or a person having abused their authority;
(d) the offence was committed by several people acting together;
(e) the offences are committed within the framework of a criminal organisation within the meaning of Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA10;
(f) the perpetrator has previously been convicted of offences of the same nature.
(g) the offence endangered the life of the child;
(h) the offence involved serious violence or caused serious harm to the child.

Art. 11 Liability of legal persons
1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that legal persons may be held liable for any of the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 committed for their benefit by any person, acting either individually or as part of an organ of the legal person, and having a leading position within the legal person.

Art. 16 Jurisdiction and coordination of prosecution
1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to establish its jurisdiction over the
offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 where:
(a) the offence is committed in whole or in part within its territory; or
(b) the offender is one of its nationals or has a habitual residence in its territory; or
(c) the offence is committed against one of its nationals or a person who has a habitual residence in its territory; or
(d) the offence is committed for the benefit of a legal person established in the territory of that Member State.

Art. 18 Assistance and support to victims
1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that assistance and support are provided to victims before, during and for an appropriate time after criminal proceedings.

Art. 19 Protection of child victims in criminal investigations and proceedings
1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that in criminal investigations and proceedings, judicial authorities appoint a special representative for the child victim where, by national law, the holders of parental responsibility are precluded from representing the child as a result of a conflict of interest between them and the child victim, or where the child is unaccompanied or separated from the family.

Art. 21 Blocking access to websites containing child pornography

1. Member States shall take the necessary measures to obtain the blocking of access by Internet users in their territory to Internet pages containing or disseminating child pornography. The blocking of access shall be subject to adequate safeguards, in particular to ensure that the blocking is limited to what is necessary, that users are informed of the reason for the blocking and that content providers, as far as possible, are informed of the possibility of challenging it.
2. Without prejudice to the above, Member States shall take the necessary measures to obtain the removal of internet pages containing or disseminating child pornography.

Child sex crimes: EP to crack down on child abusers and web pornography

Press release

Child abusers and viewers of child sex images on the web would face tough penalties for abuse, exploitation and pornography offences under draft EU rules as agreed with Council representatives and approved by the Civil Liberties Committee on Tuesday. The rules would also require EU Member States to remove child porn web sites, or, failing that, make it possible to block access to them within their territory, if a Member State so decides.

“The new directive to combat sexual abuse and exploitation of children and child pornography is an innovative legislative instrument and represents a step forward for the protection of our children. The text will be at the disposal of the competent authorities and NGOs, so that there is zero tolerance against all crimes against children” said Roberta Angelilli (EPP, IT), who is steering the legislation through Parliament.

Tougher penalties for child abusers…

The draft directive sets out minimum penalties for about 20 criminal offences to do with sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and child pornography – far more than are usually provided for in EU legislation. The draft has been agreed with the Council of Ministers representatives, subject to Parliament’s plenary vote in September 2011.

MEPs fought for tougher penalties across the EU, especially in cases of abuse by persons in a position of trust, authority or influence over the child (e.g. family members, guardians or teachers) or abuse of particularly vulnerable children (e.g. those with a physical or mental disability or under the influence of drugs or alcohol).

Offenders could face penalties ranging from one to at least ten years in prison, depending on the crime (since the draft directive lays down only minimum penalties, Member States could impose harsher measures and sentencing). For instance, causing a child to witness sexual activities could be punishable by one year in prison, and coercing a child into sexual actions by ten. Attending pornographic performances involving children could by punishable by at least two years in prison, and forcing a child into prostitution by at least ten. Child pornography producers could face at least three years in prison, whilst those possessing it would face at least one year.

… and child pornography viewers

“Knowingly obtaining access” by means of information and communication technology to child pornography would also be a crime. To be liable to prosecution, a person would have both intend to enter a site containing child pornography and know that such images could be found there.

Child porn web pages must go…

Parliament’s negotiating team have, from the outset, advocated complete removal of web pages containing or disseminating child pornography. These web pages must be removed, they say, as blocking access to them, as initially proposed by the Commission, has proved not to be entirely effective.

Moreover, removal at source would be more reassuring for children, given that images to which access is merely blocked could still be somewhere in cyberspace, they add. MEPs have ensured that the text requires Member States to ensure the prompt removal of web pages hosted in their territory. They must also co-operate with third countries to obtain the removal of pages hosted outside the EU.

… but blocking may still be needed

However, the removal of child pornography content at its source is often not possible (e.g. because the state where servers are hosted is unwilling to co-operate or because removal would take too long). In these cases, Member States may block access to those pages for internet users in their territory, says the text agreed with the Council.

“Let’s be clear: we are not talking about censorship here, we are talking just and only about child pornography – images, photographs, films or clips in which a crime against children is clearly being committed”, said Ms Angelilli. These measures to block access to web pages would have to follow transparent procedures and provide adequate safeguards. Users would have to be informed of the reason for the restriction and have the possibility of judicial redress, says the text.

EU-wide criminalization of on-line “grooming”

New forms of abuse and exploitation, such as on-line “grooming” (befriending children via the web with the intention of sexually abusing them) or making children pose sexually in front of web cameras, would be a crime.

Child sex tourism

“Sex tourists” travelling abroad to abuse children would also face prosecution, under new rules on jurisdiction. The text introduces the concept of “child sex tourism” for the first time in EU legislation. Member States would have to ban travel arrangements for the purpose of child sex tourism. Other measures, e.g. a code of conduct in the tourism industry or “quality labels” for tourist organisations combating child sex tourism, should also be promoted, says the text.

Ban on working with children

Since some 20% of sex offenders go on to commit further offences after conviction, the text stipulates that convicted offenders “may be temporarily or permanently prevented from exercising at least professional activities involving direct and regular contacts with children”. Employers when recruiting would be entitled to request information on convictions for sexual offences against children. Member States would also be entitled to take other measures, such as listing convicted persons in “sex offender registers”.

Protecting victims

MEPs have also strengthened rules on assisting, supporting and protecting victims, e.g. to ensure that they have easy access to legal remedies and suffer as little as possible from participating in criminal investigations and trials. MEPs have also added a specific article incorporating child sex crime prevention within the scope of the directive. Studies suggest that between 10% and 20% of minors in Europe may be sexually assaulted during childhood.

Next steps

The agreement is to be put to the vote by Parliament as a whole at the September II plenary session and should be formally adopted by the Council of Ministers shortly thereafter. Once adopted, this directive will replace current EU legislation dating from 2004. Member States will have two years to transpose the new rules into their national laws. The UK and Ireland have notified their wish to take part in the adoption and application of this directive. Denmark is the only Member State not taking part.

Εγκλήματα κατά της γενετήσιας ελευθερίας τελούμενα στο Διαδίκτυο

Στον ελληνικό Ποινικό Κώδικα ρυθμίζονται δύο διαδικτυακά εγκλήματα, τα οποία και τα δύο αφορούν την προσβολή της γενετήσιας ελευθερίας.

Το πρώτο και σημαντικότερο αφορά την διακίνηση πορνογραφικού υλικού. Συγκεκριμένα, το άρθρο 384Α ΠΚ προβλέπει ως βασικό έγκλημα την παραγωγή, προσφορά, πώληση, κατοχή κλπ. υλικού πορνογραφίας και ως διακεκριμένη μορφή την περίπτωση όπου οι παραπάνω πράξεις γίνονται μέσω η/υ ή με τη χρήση του Διαδικτύου.

Συγκεκριμένα, στην παρ. 2 προβλέπεται ότι: «Όποιος με πρόθεση παράγει, προσφέρει, πωλεί ή με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο διαθέτει, διανέμει, διαβιβάζει, αγοράζει, προμηθεύεται ή κατέχει υλικό παιδικής πορνογραφίας ή διαδίδει πληροφορίες σχετικά με την τέλεση των παραπάνω πράξεων δια συστήματος ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή ή με τη χρήση διαδικτύου, τιμωρείται με φυλάκιση τουλάχιστον δύο ετών και χρηματική ποινή πενήντα χιλιάδων έως τριακοσίων χιλιάδων ευρώ».

Στην παρ. 3 δίδεται ο ορισμός του υλικού πορνογραφίας, το οποίο συνιστά η αναπαράσταση ή η πραγματική ή εικονική αποτύπωση σε ηλεκτρονικό ή άλλο υλικό φορέα του σώματος ή μέρους του σώματος ανηλίκου, κατά τρόπο που προδήλως προκαλεί γενετήσια διέγερση, καθώς και πραγματικής ή εικονικής ασελγούς πράξης που διενεργείται από ή με ανήλικο. Ο νομοθετικός αυτός ορισμός είναι στενότερος από το ορισμός του άρθρου 1 περ. β΄ της απόφασης-πλαίσιο 2004/68 της ΕΕ, καθ’ ότι προϋποθέτει την πρόκληση γενετήσιας διέγερσης, στοιχείο το οποίο δεν περιλαμβάνεται στο κοινοτικό κείμενο .

Περαιτέρω, στην παρ. 4 διατυπώνεται δύο επιβαρυντικές περιπτώσεις του ίδιου εγκλήματος. Συγκεκριμένα, στη διάταξη αυτή ορίζεται ότι «οι πράξεις της πρώτης και δεύτερης παραγράφου τιμωρούνται με κάθειρξη μέχρι δέκα ετών και χρηματική ποινή πενήντα χιλιάδων έως εκατό χιλιάδων ευρώ: α) αν τελέσθηκαν κατ` επάγγελμα και κατά συνήθεια β) αν η παραγωγή του υλικού της παιδικής πορνογραφίας συνδέεται με την εκμετάλλευση της ανάγκης, της ψυχικής ή της διανοητικής ασθένειας ή σωματικής δυσλειτουργίας λόγω οργανικής νόσου ανηλίκου ή με την άσκηση ή απειλή χρήσης βίας ανηλίκου ή με τη χρησιμοποίηση ανηλίκου που δεν έχει συμπληρώσει το δέκατο έτος. Αν η πράξη της περίπτωσης β1 είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τη βαριά σωματική βλάβη του παθόντος, επιβάλλεται κάθειρξη τουλάχιστον δέκα ετών και χρηματική ποινή εκατό χιλιάδων έως πεντακοσίων χιλιάδων ευρώ αν δε αυτή είχε ως αποτέλεσμα το θάνατο, επιβάλλεται ισόβια κάθειρξη».

Το δεύτερο αδίκημα αφορά την προσβολή της αιδούς ανηλίκου στο Διαδίκτυο ή σε άλλο μέσο επικοινωνίας (π.χ. κινητό τηλέφωνο). Με το άρθρο 24 του ν. 3500/2006 τροποποιήθηκε η διάταξη του άρθρου 342 ΠΚ που αναφέρεται στην κατάχρηση ανηλίκων σε ασέλγεια, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει ως διακεκριμένη μορφή της προσβολής της αιδούς των ανηλίκων την περίπτωση όπου η πράξη αυτή τελείται μέσω του Διαδικτύου ή άλλου μέσου επικοινωνίας.

Ειδικότερα, στην παρ. 4 της παραπάνω διάταξης ορίζεται ότι:

«Ο ενήλικος, ο οποίος μέσω διαδικτύου ή άλλου μέσου επικοινωνίας, αποκτά επαφή με πρόσωπο που δεν συμπλήρωσε τα δεκαέξι έτη και με προτάσεις ή με εξιστόρηση, απεικόνιση ή παρουσίαση πράξεων που αφορούν τη γενετήσια ζωή προσβάλλει την αιδώ του, τιμωρείται με φυλάκιση τουλάχιστον ενός έτους και αν η πράξη τελείται κατά συνήθεια με φυλάκιση τουλάχιστον τριών ετών».

Η νέα αυτή διάταξη συμπεριλαμβάνεται στο νόμο για την αντιμετώπιση της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας, στον οποίο εντάχθηκε με τροπολογία. Ο σκοπός του νομοθέτη ήταν να εισάγει μια διάταξη με σκοπό την καταπολέμηση της παιδοφιλίας, στο πλαίσιο του Διαδικτύου. Με τη διάταξη της παρ. 4 του άρθρου 342 ΠΚ τιμωρείται το αδίκημα της προσβολής της αιδούς ανηλίκου που τελείται από ενήλικους, στο διαδικτυακό περιβάλλον, που μπορεί να τυγχάνουν και παιδόφιλοι.

Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το αξιόποινο περιορίζεται στους ενήλικους δράστες και αποφεύγεται η επέμβαση σε αντικοινωνικές συμπεριφοριές που λαμβάνουν χώρα μεταξύ ανηλίκων στο διαδίκτυο ή σε άλλα μέσα επικοινωνίες ή στην κοινωνία .

Η αντιμετώπιση παρόμοιων συμπεριφορών που τελούνται στο Διαδικτύο με ρυθμίσεις όπως αυτή του άρθρου 342 § 4 ΠΚ είναι απαραίτητη προκειμένου να καλυφθούν τα κενά που υφίστανται αναφορικά με την προστασία των ανήλικων χρηστών του Διαδικτύου. Στην κατεύθυνση αυτή, το Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης ανήγγειλε την κατάθεση νομοσχεδίου, με το οποίο ποινικοποιείται το αδίκημα της προσέλκυσης παιδιών για σεξουαλικούς λόγους («grooming») μέσω της χρήσης του Διαδικτύου και των κινητών τηλεφώνων στα οποία έχουν πρόσβαση οι ανήλικοι.

Κατά την άποψή μας ιδιαίτερη μέριμνα θα έπρεπε να ληφθεί και για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων των ανηλίκων. Λαμπρό παράδειγμα αποτελεί o σχετικός νόμος στις ΗΠΑ (COPPA).

Ioannis Iglezakis