Call For Papers: LAW VIA THE INTERNET 2011


University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
8-10 June 2011

Call For Papers

Free Access to law in Asia and the global experience

Submission of papers is invited on topics including but not limited to the following:

* Challenges and barriers in free access to law in Asia and elsewhere
* Multi-lingual legal databases and searching
* Legal issues in the provision of free legal information
* Governance and funding models for sustainability of free legal databases
* Making historical legal materials accessible online
* Social networking technologies and their implications for free access to law?
* Keeping track of legislative evolution online
* Quality control and timeliness of online legal services
* Standards for legal information on the web?
* Free access to law as community services
* International law on the web: Treaties, International Courts etc
* Finding law across the web – indexing and searching
* Litigation support on the web
* Innovative uses of online legal data
* Court registries and electronic filing / transactions
* Interactive and ‘intelligent’ legal services on the web
* Teaching law using internet resources
* Automation of large-scale legal data on the web
* Legal publishing via the web

Papers on other aspects of law via the Internet are also welcome. Papers purely on ‘cyber law’ or ‘internet law’ will not be accepted unless they relate directly to free access to law on the Internet. Papers submitted should raise issues of theoretical or practical interest to others who are developing or using internet-based law resources.

Kevin K H Pun, Director, HKLII
Programme Chair
Submitted, Refereed and Invited Papers

Submitted papers / abstracts will be considered by the Programme Chair, HKLII staff and selected referees, at the discretion of the Programme Chair. Submitted papers will not be automatically subjected to a formal refereeing process, but authors may request formal refereeing of their paper. Any papers accepted after refereeing will be marked ‘Refereed Paper’ in the Conference Proceedings. HKLII may also arrange the presentation of invited papers, at its discretion.
Key Dates

15 February 2011 – Submission of extended abstract / draft full paper
20 March 2011 – Notifications of acceptance sent out by HKLII (unless advised earlier)
30 April 2011 – Finalised / revised papers due

Submissions should be in the form of pdf file sent by email to the Programme Chair at When submitting a paper, please indicate if formal refereeing is required. If a paper is by joint authors, the name and email address of the author who is to receive notifications should be provided.

The finalised paper will be required in the pdf format, and a style guide will be provided with the notification of acceptance.
Publication of Papers

All conference papers will be available in the ‘Law via the Internet 2011’ database on HKLII upon the commencement of the Conference. Authors are free to publish their papers elsewhere once the Conference has concluded.

More details on registration and other matters will be provided in due course.