BILETA 29th Annual Conference



The theme of this year’s international conference is: Legal regulation & Education: Doing the right thing? Delegates are invited to submit papers relating to law, technology and legal education that examine whether existing laws target the ‘right things’ and provide adequate protection for rights. If not, what is the right thing to do? Are educationalists doing the right thing in developing moocs, spocs, virtual learning environments etc.?
Relevant topics include: Cybercrime & Cyberwarfare, Darknet, Data protection, Domain names, e-Democracy, e-Commerce, e-Government, e-Health, e-Learning and Legal Education, e-money, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, Intermediary Regulation, Net Neutrality, Pornography,  Professional Legal Practice and Surveillance.

Abstract Submission: An abstract (not exceeding 700words), which includes: Title, Theoretical/Empirical Framework and Argument should be submitted via Easy Chair:
a. 14th January 2014: Submission of abstracts (subject to double blind review).
b. 7th February 2014: Notification of acceptances.
c. 14th March 2014: Full Papers (between 7,000 and 10,000 words, excluding footnotes).

Postgraduate Prize: A prize of £100 will be awarded to the best postgraduate conference paper. To be eligible for the prize a full paper must be submitted by the 28th March 2014.
Conference Registration: Once the proposal is accepted, the author (or a minimum of one of the authors, if there are multiple authors) must also register for the conference so that the details can be included in the Final Conference Programme.
Publication Opportunities: Authors of full papers accepted and presented at the conference will be invited to submit their paper for consideration for publication in special editions of the following peer reviewed journals (print journal International Review of Law Computers & Technology) and (open access, online journals: European Journal of Law and Technology, and Script-ed).
Queries: Questions regarding submissions etc. should be directed to the Conference Organiser, Dr Karen Mc Cullagh, via: