BILETA 2010 Conference

BILETA 2010 Conference
Monday 29 – Tuesday 30 March 2010

Hosted by the Faculty of Law, Centre for Legal Informatics (DEICL/SIL), at the University of Vienna, Austria

“Globalisation, Internet and the Law”

Cyberspace, globalisation, global civil society and governance remain in the focus of interest, in particular in in times of an economic crisis. 2010 is not only the magic year for the European knowledge society (Lisbon target) but may see the birth of an International Organisation deriving its authority from the global civil society. “Electronic life” becomes a reality. Questions of data protection and intellectual property determine more and more our life.

This year’s annual conference focuses on the ways in which law and technology can contribute to a better legal system in the era of globalisation. Law Schools have to contribute to this ongoing evolution in order to maintain efficient rule of law in the knowledge society.

Should you have any queries about this conference please contact

Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

General Chair

Prof. Dr. AbdulHusein Paliwala, University of Warwick

Sefton Bloxham, University of Cumbria

Dr. Burkhard Schafer, University of Edinburgh


Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer (chair)

Mag. Anton Geist, LL.M (Edinburgh) (assistance)

Local Organisation

General Secretary Eugen Mühlwenzl

Mag. Anton Geist, LL.M. (Edinburgh) (assistance)

Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

General information :

Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

Proposals are welcome for abstracts and expressions of interest to convene a stream in any of the following areas:


E-Learning and Legal Education

Technology in the law school

Search Technologies
Document Production
Knowledge Systems and Legal Ontologies
Virtual Worlds / SNS

ICT law

Intellectual Property – including Copyright, Open Source etc.
Privacy and Data-protection
Intellectual Property Law
Cybercrime – including Criminological Aspects

Globalisation and governance

ICANN and Internet Governance

Legal theory and education

Legal Theory and Critical Perspectives
Legal Semiotics

There will be a prize-winning competition for the best Postgraduate Student Paper presented at the conference.

Full papers accepted and presented at the conference will be put forward for peer-review or special editions of journals in the areas of law, technology and education. The OCG Austrian Society of Computers and Law may consider to produce printed conference proceedings.

For the submission of abstracts, we use a custom installation of the conference management system MyReview.

Please follow this link to open the conference management in a new browser window. Choose “Authors – Submit an abstract” for abstract submission. You will get a password which will allow you to access the system, upload the file of your paper, and modify the information associated with this paper.

Early submissions and suggestions for streams (including convenors) are welcome.

Deadline for early submissions: 31 October 2009.

Deadline for late submissions: 15 January 2010.

Deadline for very late contributions: 28 February 2010.

Papers should be of high quality, original, unpublished, and not submitted elsewhere. Authors of papers are asked to submit a a full text version of the respective contribution (8 o 10 pages). The guidelines for the final version are available at